Hello and thank you for your interest in requesting a copy of the 2020 -2021 Annual Catalog. I am happy to add your name and information to my catalog list. If you have purchased from me in the last six months no need to sign up because I have already mailed your catalog brochure to you. You will be getting them in your mailbox shortly. If you do not remember if you have ordered in the last six months go ahead and add your name to the list below.
I send catalogs to all my customers that have ordered from me in the last six months as a GIFT to them.
If you have never ordered from me or have not ordered from me in the last six months, I will be happy to send you a catalog for the cost $8.55 US! This cost will pay for the catalog and cover the shipping cost to you from me. I will send you a $8.00 Coupon in your catalog to use on your first order with me as a reimbursement.
To redeem the coupon, you will have to email me your order. This and all the details will be on the coupon.
Please fill out the list completely.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!